1. Keep studying your math facts nightly. STUDY YOUR FACTS!!! M.A.H. sheet for Feb. due MONDAY! A new sheet for March went home today in your child's Friday folder.
2. Please make sure you check your child's Friday folder every weekend and make sure that it gets returned signed on Monday. Also, make sure you and your child look over graded papers that were sent home. Please contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns.
3. Please log your minutes if you are reading at home.
4. READ AT HOME!!!! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! Example: Read the newspaper with a family member on Sunday. :)
5. Year book order forms - ASAP
6. Social Studies: Basic Info Sheet - QUIZ next Thursday!
7. Sandwich Book Report ROUGH DRAFT due Monday!
Remember to wear your Stop Bullying shirt or the color orange every Wednesday! This is for the rest of the school year. Thank you for your support!
Have a WONDERFUL weekend!