Reading & Language Arts: 1. Study D.O.L. week 11 2. Reread What Do Illustrators Do? on page 227 & Review Lesson 7 vocabulary Spelling: Study lesson 7 words (click on spelling city below to review) Math: M.A.H. Reminders: 1. Tomorrow is sports day or the color purple. 2. Bring in dollars bills (if you can) for our drive.
Homework: 1. Math At Home (M.A.H.) 2. Please make sure you check
your child's Friday folder every weekend and make sure that it gets
returned signed on Monday. Also, make sure you and your child look over graded papers that were sent home. 3. Remember if you are reading at home make sure you log your minutes in your assignment notebook. 4. Bean Project permission slips due Thursday, October 24th.
Reminders: 1. Next week is Red Ribbon Week. See newsletter for more information. 2. Monday is wear crazy socks or the colors green. Also, bring in pennies.
Reading & Language Arts: Lesson 6 Vocabulary Sheet Math: M.A.H. Chapter 2 Test signed and returned Social Studies: Finish/Complete chapter 2 study guide Test will be on Thursday
Homework: 1. Math At Home (MAH) 2. Please make sure you check
your child's Friday folder every weekend and make sure that it gets
returned signed on Tuesday. Also, make sure you and your child look over graded papers that were sent home. 3. Remember if you are reading at home make sure you log your minutes in your assignment notebook. 4. Minute Math Test signed and returned Tuesday. Reminders: 1. $ 2.00 for the Halloween Party - Due on Friday, October 25th. 2. No School - Monday, October 14th Please contact me with any questions or concerns.
*I am still looking for ONE more helper for our Halloween party. Please write me a letter/note if you are interested. Thank you in advance!
Homework: 1. Math At Home (MAH) 2. Please make sure you check
your child's Friday folder every weekend and make sure that it gets
returned signed on Monday. Also, make sure you and your child look over graded papers that were sent home. 3. Remember if you are reading at home make sure you log your minutes in your assignment notebook. 4. Math Minute Test - Must be signed. This test is to show how well your child is doing with their math facts. Keep practicing at home.
Reading & Language Arts: 1. Study D.O.L. week 6 2. Reread Roberto Clemente on page 151 and review lesson 5 vocabulary 3. Narrative Organizer due tomorrow Math: M.A.H. Social Studies: Tinley Park pamphlet is due tomorrow
Reading and Language Arts:
Cause and Effect worksheet Math:
Students received a new sheet for the month of October. Social Studies:
Remember your Tinley Park pamphlet is due Friday.