Reading & Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 35, test will be tomorrow.
2. Reread lesson 29 story, test will be tomorrow.
Study lesson 29 words, test will be tomorrow.
Home link 11.3
Pen Pal Field Trip:
1. Wear gym shoes
2. Pack your lunch in a brown paper bag. Everything will be thrown away at the park. Place your name and room number on the paper bag.
3. Bring an extra bottle of water
4. Tomorrow is suppose to be a very hot, sunny day. Please dress according to the weather and put sunscreen on.
5. Bring a blanket or a beach towel for you to sit on.
Again, I will not be attending this field trip. There is another teacher that will be taking my place. I will be at the school if you need to get a hold of me.
Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!