Contact Information:
Mrs. M. Callaghan

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Reading, L.A., and Math packet due tomorrow
2. ISAT reading packet due Friday

Cursive worksheet with old spelling words

Home link 7.4

Social Studies:
Chapter 6 test tomorrow. Please study your study guide. 

1. Please bring in your Flat Stanley envelopes by Friday, March 2nd. That is this FRIDAY!

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Reading & Language Arts packet (Practice Test)

Extended Response question

Social Studies:
Please complete chapter 6 study guide. Test will be on Thursday. Make sure you are studying your vocabulary words from chapter 6, this is very important.

Your Flat Stanley envelopes are due NO LATER THAN Friday, March 2nd!

Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!

Monday, February 27, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Reading/Comprehension packet due Friday. (ISAT practice)
2. The Long Giraffe reading packet due tomorrow. There are two pages of questions. 

No spelling lesson words this week. 

1. List of 25 words and must be in ABC order

Home link 7.3

Social Studies:
Today we finished chapter 6. Students will receive a study guide tomorrow. Chapter 6 test will be on Thursday.  

1. Bring in your Flat Stanley envelope as soon as possible.

All students had homework time in class today. 

Have a GREAT Monday!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Flat Stanley

Here is a fun/educational website on Flat Stanley. Enjoy! :)

Happy Friday!

1. Please make sure you check your child's Friday Folder every weekend and make sure that it gets returned signed on Monday.

2. Flat Stanley letters went out today. Please read the letter carefully. We are asking that you provide an addressed, stamped envelope with the name and address of a relative and/or close friend that preferably lives in another state, or country who will be willing to participate in our Flat Stanley exchange. The envelope will be due no later than March 2nd.

3. Math Extended Response Question due Monday

1. Continue to practice your multiplication at home. Study your flash cards.
2. Next Friday is a S.T.A.R.T. Day. Dismissal will be at 12:30 p.m. 

Have a wonderful weekend 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 23, test will be tomorrow.
2. Re-read Dogzilla, review your lesson 19 packet. Test will be tomorrow.
3. Review vocabulary words from lesson 19, test will be tomorrow.
4. Reading practice packet due tomorrow. (ISAT) Students received this packet on Monday. 

Study lesson 19 words, test will be tomorrow.

Home link 7.2

1. Spring Fest t-shirt order forms are due tomorrow.
2. Hot Lunch order forms are due tomorrow.
3. Book order forms are due tomorrow. 

Have a GREAT Thursday!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 44

Practice page 43

Math Extended Response question
* Students brought home their Math Extended Response Booklets to help them. On the back of the booklet are the steps students need to take while writing their response.

Social Studies:
Growth and Change worksheet

* Homework time was given to the students today. *

1. Spring Fest t-shirt order forms are due Friday.
2. Hot lunch order forms are due Friday. If you need a hard copy, please let me know.
3. Book order forms for February are due NO LATER than Friday.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Reading packet due Friday
2. Main Idea worksheet

5 times each with lesson 19 words, must be done in CURSIVE

Home link 7.1, start of a NEW unit

1. Hot lunch order forms are due Friday, let me know if you need a hard copy.
2. Spring fest t-shirt order forms are due Friday. Please let me know if you need another order form.

Have a GREAT Tuesday!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Friday!

Friday folder must be signed

Remember NO school on Monday, February 20th.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 22, test will be tomorrow. Students know which questions will be on the test.
2. Re read A Tree Is Growing, test will be tomorrow. Know what graphic and text features are.
3. Review lesson 18 vocabulary words.
4. Reading packet due tomorrow (ISAT)

Study lesson 18 words, test will be tomorrow for everyone.

1. Get chapter 6 test signed, work on math extended response questions.
2. Extended Response question

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 37

Practice page 38

Multiplication worksheet

Social Studies:
Fighting for Freedom worksheet

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 30

Practice page 29

Study for chapter 6 test, test will be tomorrow. Please look over your study guide.

Happy Valentine's Day everybody!!!

Monday, February 13, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Reading packet will be due on Friday. (ISAT)

5 times each, must be done in CURSIVE

If you did not complete chapter 6 study guide in class, please finish at home. Test will be on Wednesday.

1. Students are allowed to bring in their Valentine's Day cards tomorrow. Also, for the movie I am allowing students to bring in popcorn/snack and a drink. The snack must be healthy and the drink must be either water or juice. 
2. Read for Pizza Hut, log your minutes for February.
3. Bring in your book orders!

Have a GREAT Monday!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Soup Drive Winners

I am proud to announce that our class brought in the most cans for the soup drive
Awesome job!

Golden Book Winners for January

Our class made the Golden Book for January 
Keep up the GREAT work!

Happy Friday!

1. Permission slip for movie on Feb. 24th.
2. Get Friday folder signed by a parent
3. Bring in a movie for Valentine's Day. The movie must be rated G and the class will be voting on which movie we will be watching.

Things we learned this week:
1. Conclusions and sentences with a, an, and the (special adjectives)
2. Congruent shapes and symmetry
3. The first communities in America
4. Sound discrimination with different objects
5. Practiced our reading and writing skills

Have a great weekend. Remember if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible. 

-Mrs. Callaghan

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Math Night

Here are some pictures from Math Night. A big thanks to all the parents and students that were able to attend. This was a HUGE success and we can't wait to do it all over again next year!

In my class we played Fire Cracker BOOM BOOM!

Here are some pictures of what the students were playing in other rooms

Sumdog is Mr. Maurer's class


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 21, test will be tomorrow
2. Re read lesson 17 story
3. Review lesson 17 vocabulary words
4. ISAT practice packet due tomorrow

Study lesson 17 words, test will be tomorrow

Home link 6.12

1. Read for Pizza Hut, make sure you are logging your minutes. 
2. On Valentine's Day we will be watching a movie. Students are allowed to bring in a movie and we will vote on which movie we will be watching. Please make sure this movie is rated G. Students are still allowed to bring in Valentine's Day cards for their classmates. 

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice book page 17 and 18

Home link 6.11

Social Studies:
The First Communities worksheet

Remember MATH NIGHT is tonight from 6:00 - 7:00, it's going to be a fun night!

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
1. ISAT practice packet due Friday
2. Practice page 22

Practice page 21

Home link 6.10

1. Read for Pizza Hut, make sure you are logging your minutes. 
2. Sprintfest t-shirts are due Feb. 17th. The cost of the t-shirt is $3.00

Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!

Monday, February 6, 2012

ISAT Test is coming up...

Here are some great websites to visit to help your child with the ISAT test. We have been practicing our reading and writing skills since late November. Feel free to check out these websites!

(Pick the best related pair and brush up for the verbal section of standardized tests). 

Third Grade ISAT Practice Reading Links

Third Grade ISAT Practice Math Links



Reading/Language Arts:
1. ISAT practice packet due Friday
2. Practice page 16

5 times each, must be done in CURSIVE

Home link 6.9

What is sound discrimination? Tomorrow we start our new unit in science, the physic of sound.

1. New reading sheets for Pizza Hut went out today, log your minutes!
2. Order forms for Springfest t-shirts are due Feb. 17th. 

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

1. Report cards were issued today. Please sign the envelope and return it to school on Monday.
2. Please sign your child's Friday folder.

Have a great weekend! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


1. ISAT reading packet due tomorrow. Students received this assignment on Monday.
2. Study D.O.L. week 20, test will be tomorrow.
3. Study lesson 16 vocabulary and re ready lesson 16 story, test will be tomorrow. 

Study lesson 16 words, test will be tomorrow

Home link 6.7

Social Studies:
1. Timelines are due tomorrow. Students received this assignment on Monday.
2. Study for chapter 5 test, test will be tomorrow. Please look over your study guide.

1. Ahhh! Our class is still in the lead for the soup drive. If you can please bring in soup cans or canned food. Please do not worry if you cannot! The class with the most cans wins a popcorn/movie party.
2. Pizza Hut reading sheets for January are due no later than tomorrow. I will be passing out new reading February tomorrow.
3. I just placed our Scholastic Book orders in for January, the students should be receiving their books sometime next week. Thanks for ordering! New orders forms for February will be handed out Monday.

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 9

Practice page 10

Home link 6.7

Social Studies:
1. Finish your Timeline project, due Friday
2. Complete chapter 5 study guide, test will be on Friday

1. Our class is in first place for the soup drive. If we win we will get to have a movie/popcorn party. If you can, please bring in soup cans or canned food. 

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!