Contact Information:
Mrs. M. Callaghan

Friday, October 28, 2011

Happy Friday!

Please get your Friday folder signed by your parents.

Things we learned this week:
1. Commas in a series
2. Making conclusions while reading a story
3. Longitude and latitude 
4. How to find the area of a shape
5. Difference between a crayfish and a beetle

October 31st:
1. START Day 7:55 - 12:30
2. Halloween Parade 9:00-9:30
3. Halloween Party 9:30 - 10:30

November 4th
1. Report Cards Issued

November 7th:
1. Cookie Dough Fundraiser Due

November 8th:
1. Teacher's Institute Day NO SCHOOL

November 11th: 
1. Fannie May Due

We had a great week! Remember the weather is changing, please make sure your child wears a warmer coat. Remember if you have ANY questions or concerns; please do not hesitate to call me. Have a WONDERFUL weekend.

Mrs. Callaghan

Golden Book Winners for September

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Commas in a Series

Here is a website link for commas in a series. This website provides great practice for commas in a series. 



Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 9, test will be tomorrow.
2. Re-read The Harvest Birds, test will be tomorrow.
3. Study vocabulary words from lesson 8, test will be tomorrow.

Study ALL 18 words for the spelling test, test will be tomorrow.

Home link 3.8

Social Studies:
Longitude and latitude worksheet due tomorrow.

1. Pumpkin Chase is tomorrow from 10:50 - 11:20. 
2. Wear your pumpkin chase t-shirts or sports jersey.
3. Read for Pizza Hut, goal is 200 minutes. Reading sheet is due no later than Monday.

Have a SPOOKY Thursday!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 108

Practice page 107

Home link 3.6

Social Studies:
Longitude and Latitude worksheet, due Friday. This worksheet is due NO LATER than Friday.

1. Tomorrow is wear your clothes backwards, or wear the color blue. 
2. Pumpkin Chase is Friday (3rd - 5th) 10:50 - 11:20 a.m. 
3. Read for Pizza Hut, our goal for the month of October is 200 minutes.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Great Pumpkin Contest

These are the students that participated in the pumpkin contest at Helen Keller
They did an awesome job!!!

Downtown Tinley Park

October 20th, 2011 Field Trip to Downtown Tinley Park

Here are a few pictures from the field trip, enjoy!

 Our class
 Downtown Tinley Park Museum

 Ed and Joe's Pizza
Enjoying some yummy pizza at Ed and Joe's
 Clock Tower
 Just having some fun!



Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 99

Practice page 100

Subtraction worksheet, just some extra practice with subtraction. 

1. Pumpkin Chase (3rd - 5th) is from 10:50 - 11:20 a.m.
2. Read for Pizza Hut, our goal is 200 minutes

Monday, October 24, 2011


Reading/Language Arts: 
Lesson 8 vocabulary worksheet

5 x each, must have ALL 18 words

Home link 3.5

1. Read for Pizza Hut, goal is 200 minutes for the month of October

Friday, October 21, 2011

Happy Friday

None, have a great weekend. Parents please remember to sign your child's Friday folder. Thanks!

Things we learned this week:
1. Present, past, and future tenses
2. Text and graphic features in a story
3. Perimeter of a shape
4. Crayfish body parts and how they live

1. Next week is Character Counts and Red Ribbon Week. 
2. Spooktacular Reading Night is October 25th from 6-7 p.m.
3. Great Pumpkin Contest is October 25th, bring in your pumpkins this day.
4. Pumpkin Chase (3rd-5th) is October 28th from 10:50-11:20 a.m. 

Our field trip was a success. I would like to thank the mothers that were able to help me on the field trip. Your help was much needed and I could not have done it without you. Weather is changing, start wearing warmer jackets. Remember if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me. 

Have a GREAT weekend!   
Halloween is almost here!!!

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 8, test will be tomorrow.
2. Re-read What Illustrators Do? test will be tomorrow.
3. Study lesson 8 vocabulary, test will be tomorrow.

Study ALL 18 spelling words, test will be tomorrow.

3.4 (TRY! If you do not get it, don't worry)

1. Read for Pizza Hut, 200 minutes is our goal for this month.

Have a CRAZY Thursday!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 87

Practice page 88
Home link 3.3

1. Field trip is tomorrow, please dress warm and wear comfortable shoes. There will be a lot of walking. 
2. Get your reading night slips in! Reading night will be on October 25th, you may wear your spooky costumes.
3. Book orders are due tomorrow. Tomorrow I will be putting in the book orders so that the students can get their books BEFORE Halloween. No check, CASH only please.
4. Turn in your reading sheets for Pizza Hut. You must have 200 minutes on the sheet. 

Have a SPINE-CHILLING Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Grammar Games

Here is a website that has many online grammar games.



Reading/Language Arts:
Present, Past, and Future Tense worksheet

5 x each, must have ALL 18 words

Home link 3.2

1. Our field trip is this Thursday, we leave the school at 9:45 a.m.
2. Turn in your reading night slips, it will be on October 25th from 6-7 p.m.
3. If you have not done so, please bring in your $2.00 for the Halloween party.

Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!

Monday, October 17, 2011


Reading/Language Arts: 
Vocabulary worksheet

Practice page 85

Home link 3.1

Social Studies:
Study, chapter 2 test will be tomorrow. 
We went over the study guide today, please review the study guide with your child at home. Last week I sent home flash cards, those are a great way to study the vocabulary words!

Have a BOO Monday!
Joke: What do you call a witch on the beach? 
Answer: A sandwich! hahaha!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Friday!

1. Get your chapter 2 math test signed and return it to school on Monday.
2. Complete chapter 2 study guide, test will be this Tuesday.
3. Halloween money $2.00
4. Bring in your Reading Night slips. Reading Night is October 25th from 6 - 7 p.m.

Things we learned this week:
1. Sequence of events in a story.
2. Learned about verbs and action verbs.
3. Students took chapter 2 test in Math. They did a wonderful job, I am very proud.
4. Learned the difference between a suburban and rural communities.
5. We met our new class pets, CRAYFISH! Students interacted with the crayfish in the classroom

1. October 31st: Halloween parade is at 9:00 a.m. and Halloween party is at 9:30 a.m.
2. October 19th: Market Day from 5 - 6 p.m.
3. October 18th: Ameera's Pizzaria Night is from 3 - 9 p.m.
4. Bring in your Fannie May order forms.
5. Read for Pizza Hut, 200 minutes is our goal.

We had a wonderful week. Have a great weekend! Remember is you have ANY questions or concerns; please do not hesitate to call me.


Mrs. Callaghan

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Verb Games

Here are two links to verb games, these are great games to help students on their verb test tomorrow.



Reading/Language Arts:
1. Re-read Max's Words on page 192
2. Study D.O.L. week 7, test will be tomorrow.
3. Study lesson 6 vocabulary words and definitions

Study lesson 6 words, must know ALL 18 words for the test. Test will be tomorrow.

Subtraction sheet, students took chapter 2 test today.

Social Studies:
Complete your community pamphlet, due tomorrow.

1. Field trip is October 20th.
2. Read for Pizza Hut, 200 minutes
3. Fannie May order forms
4. Pumpkin Chase order forms are due no later than tomorrow
5. Please turn in your reading night sheets as soon as possible

Have a SPOOKY Thursday!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 72, this worksheet is on action verbs

Practice page 71

Study for chapter 2 test, test is tomorrow. Please review the chapter 2 study guide with your child at home.

1. Halloween party money $2.00
2. Bring in your reading night slips
3. Bring in your book order forms
4. Make sure you are reading for the month of October, our goal is 200 minutes

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Welcome Back!

Reading and Language Arts:
Max's Words vocabulary worksheet, students may use their notebooks to look at the vocabulary words and the definitions

5 x each, must have ALL 18 words

Complete chapter two study guide, test will be on Thursday

1. Bring in your Reading Night slips.
2. Bring in your book orders.
3. Bring in your pumpkin chase order forms.
4. Party money: $2.00

Have a TERRIFIC Tuesday!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday!

1. If your child did NOT bring back their progress reports signed, please turn them in on Tuesday. It is very important that you turn in the progress report. If I do not have it by Tuesday, I will be making phone calls home. 
2. Please bring $2.00 for Halloween party.
3. Keller will be having a Spooktacular Reading Night on Oct. 25th from 6 - 7 p.m. Please fill out the form and bring it to school. This will be a fun fun night for the family!

Things we learned this week:
1. Learned about urban communities and how to use a map grid.
2. Practiced our addition and subtraction skills.
3. Reviewed nouns, common nouns, and proper nouns.
4. Testing week in Journeys series, benchmark unit one test.
5. Learned how to understand a dictionary.

1. Scholastic Books: Get your order forms in as soon as possible!
2. Yankee Candles: Forms are due Tuesday, October 11th.
3. October 10th: NO SCHOOL
3. Fannie May: Forms went out today, turn them in as soon as possible.

Have a great weekend! If you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me.


Mrs. Callaghan

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Study D.O.L. week 6, test will be tomorrow.

Study review words, test will be tomorrow. You must know ALL 25 words for the test.

Home link 2.8

1. PROGRESS REPORTS went out today, please sign and return to school tomorrow.
2. Read for "Book It" goal is 200 minutes for the month of October. If you do this, you will get a free kids pan pizza from Pizza Hut!
3. Bring in your book order forms as soon as possible.
4. Field trip is October 20th. 

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Writing worksheet, this worksheet is on writing addresses correctly.

Create your own word search, students will bring these completed word searches to school and switch with a partner at school the next day. 

Home link 2.7

1. Field trip is October 20th.
2. Read for the "Book It" program. (200 minutes)
3. Bring in your book orders as soon as possible.

Have a WICKED Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Cause/Effect worksheet

Spelling word search for the review unit (students were allowed to start this worksheet in school, some may have finished)

Home link 2.6

1. Field trip is October 20th. We are heading to the historical downtown Tinley Park and Ed and Joe's restaurant.
2. Read for "Book It" and receive a free kids pan pizza from Pizza Hut. Our goal for the month of October is 200 minutes.
3. Turn in your book order forms as soon as possible.

Have a THRILLING Tuesday!

Monday, October 3, 2011


5 x each (with the review unit words) A sheet with ALL the review words was given out today. Must write ALL 25 words 5 times each in order to receive FULL credit.

Home link 2.5

Social Studies:
Urban Communities worksheet (some students may have finished this assignment in class. If they did there is no homework for them in Social Studies)

1. Field trip money and forms are due no later than October 14th.
2. Read for "Book It" Our goal is 200 minutes for the month of October. If you read 200 minutes, you will get a free kids pan pizza from Pizza Hut. A reading log for the month of October went out Friday, log your minutes!
3. Turn in your Scholastic book order forms for the month of October as soon as possible.

Welcome October!