Contact Information:
Mrs. M. Callaghan

Friday, September 30, 2011

Information: Upcoming Week (October 3rd - October 5th)

Next week we will be testing for Unit 1 in Reading and Language Arts. (Unit 1 Benchmark)

Here is the Focus Wall for lesson 6. We will be starting lesson 6 on October 11th. If you wish to view, please click on the link below.

Next week in Social Studies we will be starting chapter 2, Communities of Different Sizes. See Friday folder for chapter 2 sheet.
(requires username and password)

(requires no username or password)

Happy Friday!


1. Get Friday folder signed.
2. Field trip money and forms are due no later than October 14th.


1. Scholastic Book Orders: October issue was given out today, they are due no later than October 31st. The earlier the better, I will order your books right away.
2. Columbus Day: October 10th, no school.
3. Next week in Reading/Language Arts we will be testing. (Unit 1 Benchmark) Check Friday folder for lesson 6 Focus Wall.
4. Next week we will be starting chapter 2 in Social Studies, Communities of Different Sizes. See Friday folder for chapter 2 sheet.

Things we learned this week:

1. Reviewed singular and plural nouns.
2. Learned how to find cause and effect in stories.
3. Learned number extension families and fact triangles.
4. Took chapter one Social Studies test, students did great!
5. Students observed seeds soaking in water and what it does to the weight of the seeds.

What a wonderful week with the kids! I hope everybody has a great weekend! Bundle up, it's getting cold out! Weather is changing, remember to have your child grab their coat before they leave the house. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me as soon as possible.


Mrs. Callaghan :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Singular and Plural Nouns

Here are some great websites for practicing singular and plural nouns. . 

This game is a great way to study for our language arts test. Enjoy! :)


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 5, test will be tomorrow.
2. Re read Roberto Clemente, Pride of Pittsburgh Pirates, test will be tomorrow.
3. Study vocabulary from lesson 5.

Study lesson 5 words, test will be tomorrow.

Home link 2.4

1. Field trip forms and money are due no later than October 14th. Please bring them in as soon as possible.

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 65

Practice page 66

Home link 2.2

Social Studies:
Study for chapter one test, test will be tomorrow. Please study your chapter one study guide and flash cards.

1. Tomorrow is picture day, please bring in your forms if you would like to order pictures.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 58

Practice page 57

Home link 2.2

Social Studies:
Complete chapter one study guide, due tomorrow. Chapter one test will be on Thursday.

1. Picture day is Thursday, SMILE! :)

Monday, September 26, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Vocabulary worksheet for lesson 5

5 x each (lesson 5)

Home link 2.1

Social Studies:
Chapter one study guide, study guide was given out today. Please have this study guide completed by Wednesday. Chapter one test will be on Thursday.

1. Picture day is Thursday, bring in your forms. 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy Friday!

1. Please get your math test signed and return it to school by Monday.
2. Field trip money and forms are due no later than October 14th.
2. Picture forms went out today, picture day will be September 29th.

Things we learned this week: 
1. Reviewed nouns, common nouns, and proper nouns. 
2. Learned about what we can do to help our community.
3. Reviewed number patterns and took chapter one test.
4. We know how to compare and contrast characters.
5. Made observations on seeds growing.

I hope everybody has a great weekend! Remember if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Mrs. M. Callaghan

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 4, test will be tomorrow.
2. Study lesson 4 vocabulary definitions, test will be tomorrow.
3. Re-read Pop's Bridge on page 115, test will be tomorrow.

Study spelling words from unit 4, test will be tomorrow.

1. Book order forms for September are due tomorrow, please turn them in!
2. Field trip forms and money are due no later than October 14th.

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday! 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice pages 45 and 46

Study for chapter one test, study the study guide that was given. Chapter one test will be tomorrow.

Social Studies:
"Discover Your Community" worksheet

1. S.T.A.R.T. Day is tomorrow, dismissal will be at 12:30 p.m.
2. Field trip forms and money are due October 14th.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Nouns worksheet

Spelling unit 4 words 5 x each

Please complete chapter 1 study guide, test will be on Thursday. We will go over the study guide tomorrow in class.

1. Field trip money and forms due October 14th.

Monday, September 19, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 44, this worksheet is on nouns.

Practice page 43, must do the activity at the bottom of the page.

Home link 1.12

1. Field trip money and forms are due October 14th. Please turn them in as soon as possible.

Have a GREAT Monday!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Happy Friday

1. Friendship Group sheet, please get signed.
2. Field Trip forms and money are due October 14th.
3. Try your usernames and passwords to both Journeys and Social Studies website. I have attached the website link, username, and password to the first page of your child's assignment notebook.

Things we learned this week:
1. We learned all about antonyms.
2. Learned about communities and how they are different.
3. Reviewed money and how to estimate with money.
4. We know how to understand characters better and their traits.
5. Made observations on seeds growing in our classroom. The students really enjoyed this week in science!

1. Scholastic Book Orders: due on September 23rd. (No CHECKS, cash only)
2. Picture Day: Picture day will be on September 29th, SMILE!
3. S.T.A.R.T. Day: September 22nd, dismissal will be at 12:30 p.m.

I hope that you all have a WONDERFUL weekend! Remember that is you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call or email me.


Mrs. Callaghan 

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 3, test will be tomorrow. 

2. Re-read Destiny's Gift, page 80.

3. Study lesson three vocabulary, students wrote these vocabulary words and definitions in their notebooks. 

Study spelling words from unit 3, test will be tomorrow.

Home link 1.11

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 32

Practice page 35
Spelling City is now up with the new spelling words from our Journeys series. Feel free to click on the link to practice the spelling words for the week. We are currently on unit three. 

Home link 1.10

Social Studies:
"Communities are Different" worksheet

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Monday, September 12, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
Practice page 30

Practice page 29

Home link 1.8

Social Studies:
What is a community worksheet

Have a MARVELOUS Monday!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Thaddeus Rex

Thaddeus Rex came to visit our school to SING about reading! Check out the cool photos that were taken during the assembly. September 7th, 2011.


Happy Friday

No homework was assigned today, enjoy the weekend!

Things we learned this week:
1. Reviewed the different types of sentences. (Command, Exclamation, Statement, Question)
2. Students took the continents test. They did great!
3. Reviewed data and bar graphs.
4. Practiced our reading and writing skills.
5. We know how to predict conclusions to stories.
6. Observed seeds in fruits and vegetables.

1. Scholastic Book Orders: Book money and order forms are due September 23rd.
2. September 15th: Popcorn Day
3. S.T.A.R.T. Day: September 22nd, dismissal at 12:30 p.m.

Have a great weekend! If you have ANY questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mrs. Callaghan

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Reading/Language Arts:
1. Study D.O.L. week 2, test is tomorrow. I had the students circle the questions that would be on the test.

2. Study vocabulary words in spiral, lesson two is the section the students should look over. 

1. Practice page 19, this worksheet is on long vowels.

2. Study unit 2 words, test is tomorrow.

Home link 1.7, is worksheet is on chance events.

1. Please wear RED,WHITE and BLUE tomorrow. We will have a moment of silence for 9/11. 

Have a TERRIFIC Thursday!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Reading and Language Arts:
Practice page 23, worksheet on commands and exclamations.

Students received their test back, please write out the question and answer to receive 1/2 credit for each question. This will help improve the students grade on the test. This is due no later than tomorrow.

Practice page 24, worksheet on long vowels.

Home link 1.6

Social Studies: 
Continents test is tomorrow, please study the study guide that was handed out Tuesday.

1. Popcorn Day permission slips must be turned in as soon as possible. No child will be able to have popcorn on Popcorn Day without the permission slip being signed.

Have a WONDERFUL Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Practice page 15

Home link 1.5

Try to observe seeds in fruits and vegetables.

Social Studies:
Continents packets due Thursday. Continents test will be on Thursday, students were given a study guide today. 

Friday, September 2, 2011

Character Counts Assembly

Miss Illinois came to speak to the students at Helen Keller! Miss Illinois spoke about the six pillars from our character counts program.

Happy Friday

1. Get D.O.L. test signed and please return by Monday.

2. Please sign the permission slips for Popcorn day. No child will be allowed to have popcorn on Popcorn Day if the slip is not signed. We thank you for understanding this new policy.

3. Once again, please get in hot lunch order forms NO later than September 6th. Order forms are now online.

Things we learned this week:
1. Subjects and predicates in a sentence.
2. How to observe seeds as they grow.
3. How to draw conclusions while reading a story. 
4. Learned the continents and oceans on a map/globe.
5. Reviewed patterns on a number grid.

1. Scholastic Book Orders: Order forms went out today, if you are interested in purchasing books return by September 23rd. (NO CHECKS, cash only)
2. Labor Day: NO SCHOOL, September 5th.

We had a great week! I am so excited for this year. Have a wonderful THREE day weekend. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me.

Mrs. Callaghan

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Reading and Language Arts:
Study D.O.L. week one, test will be tomorrow.

Study unit one words, test will be tomorrow.

Home link 1.4

Social Studies:
Continue to work on your continents packet, this packet will be due on September 7th. The students have been given time in class to work on this packet. Continents test will be on September 8th. A study guide will be going home with the students next Monday.

1. Wear RED tomorrow for the Miss America Assembly.
2. Hot lunch forms are due no later than September 6th. If you need a hard copy, please let me know.

Have a great Thursday!
-Mrs. Callaghan